Voice Artists
Today I want to shed light on one aspect of development we are currently very involved in: Audio. In particular, vessel feedback.
New Borg Economy
Today we will take a look at two brand new Borg features which will define the Collective experience!
Community Input: Romulan Names
As we are reviving some beauties from Armada’s past, we need your input on gathering names for them!
The Defiant: Nothing Little About It
Today, I want to talk about the only real warship - pardon, tactical escort - of the Federation fleet: The Defiant.
The Akira
Take a look at the changes to this famous Federation battleship and how you will be able to deploy her in your fleets!
The Calypso
Discover a new Federation specialist vessel in the next version: The Calypso Class, bringing holo-emitters to a new use.
A Generic Adventure
While we are developing the next big Fleet Operations version, we are about to change a lot of things in order to bring you the best of the whole Fleet Ops experience, including visual, gameplay and community features. While all of them are progressing well, I want to talk a bit about one of the gameplay aspects today. Namely, a Romulan vessel that also helps to introduce the Romulan game mechanics a bit further: the Generix. A brief introduction of the Romulan Gameplay goals was already given in an earlier newspost.
Spread Your Wings
After a series of Federation news posts - basically because the Federation is the first faction we started to redo for the new system - we will now talk a bit about another playable faction: the Romulan Star Empire.
Technical Support
Today I want to delve a bit deeper into the Support Vessels. As mentioned earlier, they form their own profile. Support Vessels have been an interesting addition to Fleet Operations for the past years, yet they sometimes behaved more like "spell-casters", rather than real support vessels, which should aid your common combat fleet. That's one of the core points we wanted to address for this profile in the Fleet Operations redo, giving them more synergistic or assisting mechanics.
Twice The Fun
Ok, welcome back to our newspost after a short holiday break. We talked about the unit profiles and a specific example lately, the Steamrunner Class, so now it's probably time to talk a bit about the way the general gameplay will change to get the bigger picture. Let's start today with the new, early game options.