Fleet Operations 3.1.4

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posted on December 5th, 2010, 1:13 am
Why does it say that there is a Trojan on it when i try to run it after installing 3.14?
posted on December 5th, 2010, 2:01 am
Ok, thanks....
posted on December 5th, 2010, 2:40 am
Ok.... obviously now I am having the viral problem. Anyone here know how to access Norton's program white list or what 'Security Risk' processes I can make it ignore so as to avoid more confrontation?
posted on December 5th, 2010, 9:53 am
The latest patch has some great little touches and the new work approaching looks great too but I have a serious issue with the game as it stands. AI.

It's terrible!!! The AI seems to mine from 2 or 3 sets of moons and then proceed to sit contently with them... In the case of normal AI sending out pathetic weak little ships again and again with no apparant thought of the future. They have no desire to spread! The increase in difficulty doesn't make them smarter it just makes their income double... Magically... This makes the strategy of the game very unrealistic and the whole game is boring to play after a few matches.

Would it be difficult to programme the AI to spread and increase resource income as it does so? I think this would transform the game completely! Anyone else feel similarly?
posted on December 5th, 2010, 10:18 am
1337 64M3R wrote:Ok.... obviously now I am having the viral problem. Anyone here know how to access Norton's program white list or what 'Security Risk' processes I can make it ignore so as to avoid more confrontation?

its virus, not viral. virals are stuff like videos of keyboard cat. i wont post any examples since you can probably find all you need with google.

also how to add an exception to norton:
[list type=decimal]
[*]Click Start button
[*]Click Control Panel
[*]Double click Add or remove programs (or find its category entry)
[*]Find the Norton entry
[*]Click the entry then click change/remove
[*]Choose uninstall and keep clicking OK until Norton dies
[*]Go install any other antivirus solution, preferably a free one. Microsoft has a good one out if your windows is genuine and not pirated. AVG and Avira are alternatives.
[*]Burn your Norton disc using an overly complicated ceremony.
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:11 pm
Hey people,

i'm new on this forum, so hello again :thumbsup:

Always downloaded fleet ops and loved it. Best mod imo.

I've removed everything of the old fleet ops and downloaded 3.1.4.

Installed it and installed the multimedia pack.

Now if i open fleet ops, it just opens in a small window (instant action etc), if i select races, and maps and i press launch, i get it full sized. Does someone has this too?

Did i needed to install the armada 2 patch or so?

Also when gaming, the previous fleet ops had that cool explosion/shaking screen effect. In this 3.1.4 version, it hasn't. Or is it me again?

Thanks, love the game!
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:14 pm
Hi sovereign001,
The menu is always fixed in window-mode now, to ease handling of Tunngle, the external multiplayer software Fleet Operations uses
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:16 pm
OKe thanks, and what about the explosion/shake effect?
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:17 pm
Welcome to the forums!  :thumbsup:
The explosion/screen shaking has been removed due to the issues it caused during gameplay (making it hard to select units) :) It may return in a future version if a way around this can be found.
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:19 pm
Oow, that's a bummer :( :crybaby: I just loved it.. It made it so cool and "real".
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:33 pm
we are working on a better replacement for it :)
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:47 pm
That's great! If i may give a small remark.. The intrepid class is actually imo a little bit underpowered.. I mean, she is a state of the art vessel but she is actually almost one of the weakest vessels of the feds. Can't you guys give her a better system value/defense and offensive, not much but just a bit more? Like, less offensive then a akira but a better defensive and system value?
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:49 pm
Last edited by Tyler on December 5th, 2010, 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Intrepids are advanced, but they're not warships like the Akira. It's primarily a patrol and survey ship. Advanced doesn't mean powerful.
posted on December 5th, 2010, 4:55 pm
Hi Sovereign001 - if I may suggest, why don't you come online with us? I'm sure you'll come out with a very favorable impression of the Intrepid's fighting skills :) . She's quite a powerful ship, and is a good counter to a great deal of ships in the game  ^-^
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