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posted on December 14th, 2012, 7:07 pm
I didn't hold-out high hopes for the first JJtrek, but I'm willing to give this one at least as much of a chance as the last one.

Looking at the Memory Alpha entry for Gary Mitchell, I'm wondering if this is just a remake of the Kahn plot, with a different bad guy. Sounds eerily similar....

buried alive on Delta Vega /vs marooned on Ceti Alpha VI (please note the Trek II reference, "buried alive")
girlfriend dead /vs wife dead

I'm hoping that I'm wrong....
posted on December 18th, 2012, 8:22 pm
Here is the new trailer!

So, I saw the first nine minutes and now May 17th feels soo far away lol. The 3d was the best i've seen outside of The Hobbit itself. BC's British accent is very much not there in the trailers but in his two short lines in the first scene he isn't holding back. His hair is much more like what we see in the Klingon scene and not short like in the brig scene. His outfit was pretty civilian looking(of what little could be seen) too. The reveal of the Enterprise was pretty cool. The shuttle used in the volcano scene is the more tos looking type and not the Argo looking one from the space jump scene in the first movie.

As for the new trailer I think its a safe bet that that is Harrison's ship attacking SFHQ and the one that Spock jumps off of. The small ship that the ?proto-bop? is chasing around Qo'nos is not the same ship. Maybe that one gets damaged and he has to switch ships? And I think those tubes in that room/bay are cryo tubes. That very well could be his "family" that he refers too. Then again that could be the end of the movie where a different group of outcast supermen from Kahn's time are being stored. And im pretty sure he is saying that to Noel Clark's character(former Starfleet from the looks of it) and not to Kirk. The "You think you're safe?" speech could be to just Kirk or it could be a global broadcast to the people of Earth.

This is how I see it. He is not Kahn but a new villain that may have been inspired by him and the Eugenics Wars. As mentioned he appears fairly civilian at the beginning of the movie. But sometime during the first half of the movie he is a member of the Enterprise crew officially or otherwise(S31/stolen ID/super sneaky sneaky). They drop him off at some prison where he esacpes sometime later. He steals the ship that would become his for the rest of the movie and makes his way to Qo'nos somehow knowing that that is where Kirk and company would end up at. Actually I think that other small ship that is getting chased by the Klingons is what Kirk and them are using for this mission...whatever mission would have them fighting Klingons on their homeplanet in very much not Starfleet outfits. They do seem to be surprised afterall when Cumberbatch shows up out of the blue in the middle of the skirmish.

Petter Weller is Matt Decker. That would be my guess. Thats all i've got for now.
posted on December 18th, 2012, 10:23 pm
"in a world where the bad guy is always British..."
posted on January 15th, 2013, 4:20 am
Some somewhat spoilerly news so read with caution.

John Harrison is shown wearing a Starfleet uniform because well he is in Starfleet and not some sort of infiltrator as some have suggested.

After the Nibiru mission the Enterprise is called home. London and San Fran have succumb to a terrorist attack by Harrison(just him?). Somehow they know that Harrison went to Qonos right after and thats where they send the Kirk and company(in that one ship shown being chased by the Klingons hence the non-Starfleet outfits) to to arrest him and bring him back to face justice. Which leaves a very fascinating question.

What the hell is he doing there in the first place taking on the Empire single handedly?

Sure he is a master at all things hand-to-hand combat, weapons and psycological warfare but still damn!
posted on January 15th, 2013, 4:47 am
It's Benedict Cumberbatch -- of course he's that awesome!

I saw the Hobbit in IMAX 3D, so I saw the nine-minute preview. There were a couple of things about it that I simultaneously liked and disliked -- the former for having the characters talk about certain things in a natural way, not for the sake of exposition; the latter because there were some things that could have been explained sooner in that style but left this old Trekker inwardly screaming to himself "Why aren't you xxx?"

Still not decided on going to see it.
posted on January 25th, 2013, 12:13 pm
i just heard that jj is set to direct star wars 7, now they'll know how we feel about jj messing with our films.

is jj on some mission to ruin all the remaining space based scifi?

someone already has stills from star wars 7:
posted on January 25th, 2013, 7:10 pm
Well, I doubt he'll be called on to do Battlestar Galactica (the final episode was enough of a disappointment) or Firefly (Josh Whedon's star is far more ascended than Abrams', so I doubt he'll let anyone else touch it).

Maybe Stargate, or a reboot of "Space 1999".
posted on January 25th, 2013, 8:27 pm
Last edited by 086gf on January 25th, 2013, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Peter Weller = Robert April

If Countdown to Darkness is any indication anyways. Its no secret that Weller's character has his own ship and is a high ranking Starfleet Official. So, this must be his ship and his funeral since Pike is clearly attending it based on a released still that is from that scene. This very well could be confirmed in the Superbowl ad or in the third trailer coming in March.
posted on January 25th, 2013, 8:37 pm
MadHatter wrote:Maybe Stargate.

i'd cry if he did. but it's not likely, as far as mgm are concerned, stargate is dead, they could barely afford to make bond skyfall, and bond is a guaranteed money printing machine.

rolan emmerich (he directed the original stargate movie) wants to continue where he left off in the 90s. but if that happens, obviously it'll be emmerich directing again, not jj. i don't think emmerich will get a new stargate film, the shows ran for a combined 17 series, returns will be diminishing. star trek is one of the few exceptions to that rule, we're lucky to still get films.
posted on January 25th, 2013, 10:22 pm
Ohh I wonder, if Abrams is the hipster he looks to be, if he might want to pick up an obscure (to American audiences) property called "Blake's 7". I'm sure he'd love that.

And don't forget, before "Into Darkness" we should get to see the Abrams-produced "Kre-O Star Trek" digital short this spring!
posted on February 8th, 2013, 9:28 pm
The Super Bowl spot for those that didn't see it.

posted on March 9th, 2013, 12:06 am
Here is a list of countries that get to see it a week before the rest of the world.

Australia – May 9th
New Zealand – May 9th
Austria – May 9th
Germany – May 9th
Switzerland (German speaking areas) – May 9th
United Kingdom – May 9th
Ireland – May 9th
Mexico – May 10th

Those like me going to see Oz this month will see a short kid friendly trailer with some new stuff. Then later this month with GI Joe will be the debut of the 2 1/2 minute theatrical trailer with even more newness.

A lucky group in brazil got to see 38 minutes of Into Darkness(mostly of the first act) and now the big picture seems a bit more complete. Read on if you dare. The bigger stuff being in italics and my comments in red.

From the extended beginning of the film…

Opening sequence (previewed at IMAX theaters in December) has been reordered to have Nibiru Volcano sequence now opens the film followed by title card and then the scenes in London and at the hospital

Nibiru mission ends with Kirk rescuing Spock by violating the prime directive by revealing the Enterprise to Nibiru natives so he can beam Spock out of the Volcano Saw that coming a mile away.

Kirk has a scene in bed (back in San Francisco) in bed with two "cat women" Whoa.

Kirk makes mention of hoping to get assigned to a "five year mission" (implying that the famed five year mission hasn’t started yet for the time he has been captain)

Kirk is demoted for violating prime directive on Nibiru, loses command of Enterprise with Pike to take over command Kirk as first officer Not really surprising. Ofcourse this is when the "can't make mistakes" is given.

Pike wanted to send Kirk back to Academy but was convinced (possibly ordered?) to make Kirk first officer of Enterprise by Admiral Marcus (played by Peter Weller) Oh really?

Spock assigned to another ship What sure it will be explained why though.

The "father" character uses his Starfleet ring as a bomb (dropping it into water for a reaction) and destroys a facility (in London) Seen in the Super Bowl spot. John no doubt pursuades him to do this to save is daughter while saving the Federation...or something like that.

London attack leads to big meeting of Starfleet captains which itself is attacked by John Harrison, resulting in Pike being injured…Harrison transport away Which means Kirk has to take over again and somehow gets Spock back.

Later scenes in the film….

Enterprise severely damaged falling to Earth with Spock in command ordering evacuation

Kirk and Scott seen in Engineering trying to stabilize ship Which explains why Spock is in the chair and not Kirk.

Later Spock scene beaming down to San Francisco and starting long chase with Harrion

Eventually Spock meets up with Harrison and engages in a fight On his "space barge".

EDIT: Here it is.
posted on March 23rd, 2013, 4:34 am
Final international trailer. Ours should be pretty similar.

"He was one of our top agents."

Section 31 anyone?

And again with the lack of an accent from BC.

posted on April 14th, 2013, 3:45 pm


And for you Germins so you can understand j/k :-) :

posted on April 19th, 2013, 7:26 pm
Final Trailer!

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