DOCa Cola

DOCa Cola

Friday, 23 May 2003 00:53

First Noxter Ingame Screenshot

Hey, here is the first pre Beta 2 Screenshot with a new race introduced in this version - The Noxter. The shot can be found in the screenshots section under ingame -] noxter. Comment it if you like :)

Sunday, 18 May 2003 19:09

Fleet Operations Map Pack 1

Thx to DarkestVorlon for sending in a few maps i released the first map pack for fleet operations today!

Tuesday, 13 May 2003 14:17

Poll about ship build times

Should the ships build times in the next beta be changed?

Sunday, 11 May 2003 04:34

Gallery Fun Section

I added a fun section to the gallery with exclusive screenshots (found somewhere on my hd) of the old fleet operations for armada 1 which was never released to public :lol: Have fun.

Wednesday, 07 May 2003 15:54

Fleet Operations Beta 1.1 released!

Beta 1.1 has been released. Installation problems should be solved with this version and is much faster to install now. Read the Changelog here and get it from the Downloads Section!

Saturday, 03 May 2003 01:39

Fleetops Patch

The first patch for FleetOps Beta 1 is released. Get it in the download section. All other fixes from the older hotfixes are integrated in this patch.

Thursday, 01 May 2003 13:43

Hotfix 2 for beta 1

I think i have solved that strange problem with the cd check too. get the second hotfix in the downloads section. Hopefully this is the last hotfix for the beta.

Thursday, 01 May 2003 01:51

Hotfix for beta 1

Ok, there were a few issues with fleetops beta 1. i hope they are solved with the hotfix in the download section. On some computers a few modifications to the executable envoirement makes some problems. pls let me know if this hotfix has solved your problems with fleetops. remember, you don't need a preinstalled armada 2 on your pc. you have to install in a blank folder for a successful install.

Wednesday, 30 April 2003 22:36

Fleet Operations Beta 1 released!

The first beta is now for download.

Wednesday, 30 April 2003 20:01

FleetOps Beta 1 on the way

Ok, the installer is prepared and i am about to upload the file to the server in a few minutes.