Tereanan Empire Mod (New Thread)

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posted on April 3rd, 2011, 1:31 pm
That doesn't answer my question about the turrets.
posted on April 3rd, 2011, 1:36 pm
Can't you just build them really quickly and have them be normal stations?
posted on April 5th, 2011, 11:11 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on June 16th, 2011, 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That would make the Tereanans way overpowered as you could just keep building them every few seconds (for free no less).  It should take 5 minutes before you're able to beam another turret and I'm thinking of making it 10 minutes instead.  But thanks for the suggestion.

What sort of strategies might a non-Tereanan faction play against the Tereanans early-game?  The Tereanan early-game ships are destroyers and short range except for 1.  The Hurricane Class cruiser, which is medium range.  And the Wormhole Class destroyer has tractor-beam equipped torpedoes which guarantees hits.  Because of the steep techtree, the Tereanan's aren't capable of using late-game ships early-game like other factions are (eg:  Early Excelsior II).  And none of those ships have passives with the exception of the Wormhole tractor-beam torpedoes.

PS:  The Boundary Class, when the Perimeter Guard or Cloak Counter avatar is selected, is built with modules and can be equipped with ADAI at the expense of firepower or system value, but other than that, does not have any passives at all.

I decided to put this in a new post so that the other post doesn't get too lengthy.  Here is a preview of the Boundary Class destroyer.  3 different model variations for the vessel depending on the modules selected and/or avatar that you have selected.

If you select these modules or if you pick the Destroy Borg or Wartime Production avatars, you'll get the ship on the top.

1 Pulse + 1 ADAI
1 Pulse + 1 Extra Power Core
2 Pulse

If you select these modules, you'll get the ship in the middle.

1 Phaser + 1 ADAI
1 Phaser + 1 Extra Power Core
1 Phaser + 1 Pulse
2 Phaser

If you select these modules, you'll get the ship on the bottom.

1 ADAI + 1 Power Core

I am currently calculating the values for this vessel.

PS:  I know that they look a little like boats.  That was an accident.

UPDATE:  Vessel values for Wartime Production and Destroy Borg avatars.

2 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

When built using modules, the values are as followed.

2 Pulse Modules
6 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

1 Pulse + 1 ADAI Module
5 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

1 Pulse + 1 Power Core
5 Offensive
11 Defensive
21 System

1 Pulse + 1 Phaser
17 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

1 ADAI + 1 Power Core
2 Offensive
11 Defensive
21 System

1 ADAI + 1 Phaser
15 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

1 Power Core + 1 Phaser
15 Offensive
11 Defensive
21 System

2 Phaser Modules
18 Offensive
11 Defensive
18 System

The ADAI Module will give your vessel the "Autonomous Defense AI" passive.  Great vs medium range, not so great vs short or long range.  Vessel will always be short range.

All weapons aboard this vessel are chroniton-based.  The pulses aren't powerful enough to go through the shields plus they have a slight chance at missing Sabres.  The phasers however are a pretty good boost in firepower and they do go through shields.

I'm open to suggestions on special weapons/abilities for this vessel.  I've already decided to arm them with a self-destruct system.  It's nice to use on a specific ship to prevent capture, but you will loose your ability to enforce your Boundary's. :)


posted on April 10th, 2011, 7:16 pm
I'm going to have to reformat my hard drive.  The backup I'm creating will not contain this mod.
posted on April 10th, 2011, 9:47 pm
you mean you realised nobody cares?
posted on April 10th, 2011, 9:55 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on April 10th, 2011, 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That's not what I said.  I'm just noting that this mod won't be included in the backup.  But it has not been canceled.

And actually, I'm only going to be posting in-game screenshots and videos of this mod in this thread with a short description of what's going on.

PS:  I find your comment inappropriate.
posted on April 10th, 2011, 10:11 pm
so basically you're starting your mod again from scratch as you arent preserving any of its contents? oh no, we wont see the terranites any time soon :(
posted on April 10th, 2011, 10:15 pm
Myles wrote:oh no, we wont see the terranites any time soon :(

That's good for the Borg  :woot:
posted on April 15th, 2011, 2:13 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on June 16th, 2011, 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well, I am going to preserve the vessel, station, and technology list but that's about it.  Plus once I restart this, I'm going to change the pulse and phaser technology so that they don't go through the shields.

A couple of ships will retain the chroniton pulses to disable random subsystems on smaller ships, but the other ships will have quantum pulses.  Temporal Disruptors will replace the chroniton phasers, so beam weapons won't be going through the shields, but the torpedoes will remain chroniton based.  In short, only Tereanan torpedoes will break through the shields.

PS:  In case any of you are wondering, my rFactor projects are also being left out of the backup as well as my website enhancements.  Besides, the release of rFactor 2 is in the air and I don't want to get caught having to convert my projects from rF1 to rF2.  I'm most likely going to switch over to rF2 immediately after release.

I'm almost ready to restart the project.

Okay, this project has been restarted.  I'm going to build the stations first, then the ships.

The first station I'm going to build will be the support yard.  The support yard will be able to repair ships and have allied repair available.  It will be able to build 1 Scouting Extension Module in the center, and 1 Economy Extension Module on each side.  Each Economy Extension Module can repair ships and will have allied repair available.

The Support Yard will cost 33 Dilithium and 325 Tritanium and will take 38 seconds to build.
The Scouting Extension Module will cost 26 Dilithium and 260 Tritanium and will take 35 seconds to build.
The Economy Extension Modules will cost 38 Dilithium and 375 Tritanium and will each take 42 seconds to build.

Remember, Tereanan resource costs are 1 Dilithium to 10 Tritanium for ships and stations, and 1 Dilithium to 3 Tritanium for support vessels and research.  You will start out with the standard 4000 Dilithium, 2000 Tritanium, and 500 Supply, but your Tritanium will run out very quickly if you are not careful.

The Support Yard modeling is complete as well as the Scouting Extension Module.  The hardpoint and textures haven't been added yet.  Since the Tereanan's start without a starbase, this yard takes the place of the starbase.

The Support Yard can repair ships and allow for allied repair.  1 Economy Extension Module will be added to the yard on either side of the yard and will build the Construction Ship, Mining Freighter, and Repair Ship.  It can also repair ships and allow for allied repair.  1 Scouting Extension Module will be added to the center of the structure and will build the Explorer Class scout and the Defense "Drone."

PS:  Drone Values Are:
2 Offensive Value (Phase Disruptor:  1.5 Damage, 2 Delay, Beam Weapon)
0 Defensive Value (3 Hull Hitpoints, No Shields)
0 System Value
No Self Repair Capabilities
Cannot Repair At Yards
Cannot Be Repaired By Ships
No Shields, Sensors, or Life Support Systems.


posted on May 17th, 2011, 1:58 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on June 16th, 2011, 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What do you think about this balance system?

Tereanan shield generators don't produce that much shield strength relative to the Federation, but due to their redundant power systems, the shield generators can regenerate the lost shield strength easily.  So the shields won't be that strong in the first place, but they will regenerate quickly.  I assume that higher system values allow ships to remain in combat longer than lower system values if the other values are just about even.


I was wanting to add the factions from the role-playing threads, but I'll include those as separate mods.  Considering that some of those factions will be playable.  I was also wanting to add in missions, and tutorials, but I'll also add those as seperate mods.

Okay, here's the updated feature list for the Tereanan Empire.

  • 4 avatars to choose from.
  • 17 stations to build, 13 of which are not avatar-specific.
  • 3 of the stations are built with modules.
  • 5 of the stations are shipyards, 4 of which can build multiple ships at once.
  • 28 ships to choose from.
  • 4 or the ships are built with modules.
  • Late-game ships are extremely hard to destroy.
  • Construction ships can beam turrets into space.
  • Defense "drones" can be deployed to defend expansions.
posted on May 17th, 2011, 3:08 pm
That will be alot of work man.  Could easily take you two years to complete even if you worked on it a lot.   
posted on May 17th, 2011, 3:43 pm
Considering it's useless to work on my simulator projects when I won't be able to test them.  I figured I'd work on this instead.  I think I have the names of the ODF files figured out.  I'm going to be putting them in and trying to apply the passives from already existing units to these units and vise-versa.

By the way, what do you think about the defense drones?
  • Easy to build and builds quickly (2 Dil, 21 Tri, 1 Sup, 24 Sec).
  • Deals the same damage as a slightly ranked destroyer.  Weapons cannot go through shields.
  • Very small, quick and maneuverable.  Torpedoes can't hit it and pulses have a hard time hitting it.  Beams will usually hit it.
  • Has no sensors or shields, must feet off of nearby sensors.  Weapons are long range.
  • Any ship can one-shot the unit (2 Hull Strength, 1 Subsystem Strength).
  • Cannot be repaired once damaged.
  • Passives are counted towards the total damage done to the vessel.
Is that overpowered or underpowered?
posted on May 17th, 2011, 3:46 pm
posted on May 17th, 2011, 3:49 pm
you could easily take an electronics course and build yourself a new controller in the time it would take you to finish this mod single handed. thats going by your current work rate (based on your releases - afaik you have 1 mod released, which only changed odfs).

about the drones: you been watching SGU recently? seems like they are straight outta that. interesting idea, deal good damage in swarms but die easily. nightmare to balance.
posted on May 17th, 2011, 4:27 pm
Well, I've been asking for help, but no one's been answering.  At least not in the areas that I actually need help in.  I do have an idea on how to get the models in complete with animations.

This utility is compatible for both 3DS Max and gmax.  So, I'll create the basic model in gmax including template textures.  Someone else can use this to import the model into 3DS Max and finish up the model with hardpoints and making the light-map show up correctly.

This utility will want DDS textures.  Just change the extension to TGA because that's what the textures are going to be in.  The template texture will also label where some of the weapon hardpoints go and what the animations should look like.  What do you think of that idea?

I imagine that the drones will be hard to balance.  They're meant as an early-game defense unit but I can imagine someone using it to hinder mining or expansion operations.  Beats leaving the constructor vulnerable while its transporters and replicators construct a turret to beam into a random location.  Which by the way, I think this post gave the developers the idea for one of the Nebula variant's special:
TChapman500 wrote:Plus the constructors can beam turrets into space...

I'm thinking it should take 15-30 seconds for the transporters to construct the turret, during that time the constructor cannot retreat and about 5-10 minutes before the transporters can construct another turret.  That may be a bit difficult to balance out.  Considering you get a free turret.  How does 20 minutes sound for a cooldown time?

By the way, I'm not going into electronics.  I'm going into engineering and programming in that order.  Besides, Logitech makes the best racing wheels available!  On the account that the wheel I had that lasted the longest was the Logitech G25.  Well worth the $300 that it costs.

One more thing.  What is SGU?
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