Favorite Type of Strategy

Share and discuss your gameplay strategies.

Question: what kind of strategy do you employ most

Total votes: 60
Attack really early with lots of sabers13 votes (22%)
Wait until I get more tech and better ships19 votes (32%)
Attack when I start to churn out capitol ships5 votes (8%)
Build up a massive fleet of sovies and defiants3 votes (5%)
I don't- I hunker down and build. Let them come to me20 votes (33%)
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posted on May 9th, 2008, 5:58 pm
Barron will remember the Bop Spam as the Duras avatar, Kinda helps with all those torps or the Shrike spam.
posted on February 23rd, 2011, 6:20 pm
as a fed, I usually build early ships and try to harass with sabres and tech up along the way, I wont dare to get into their base until i got capital ships like sovvies and shit.

as borg, I don't care i try to get some sphere's out and attack asap
posted on February 23rd, 2011, 6:29 pm
I think this thread dates back to 3.0PR, so a lot of stuff have changed since then. Any particular reason for digging up such ancient thread?

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