Where do you live - The Poll

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Question: On which continent do you live on a regular basis?

Total votes: 113
Africa1 votes (1%)
Asia2 votes (2%)
Australia2 votes (2%)
Europe59 votes (52%)
North America45 votes (40%)
South America4 votes (4%)
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posted on March 6th, 2013, 10:56 pm
USA: Synonym for Waste Food, Shot Guns and canned, GM vegetables. Oh yes... and you eat cloned beef. :thumbsup:

What I found really amusing in this thread so far was that US citizens ( :pimp: ) seem to believe, that the United Nations of America reflect a continent - and which somehow confirm my stupid preconception that there is a widespread retarded understanding of how the world community defines earth. Maybe this is related to the diet... somehow. :P
posted on March 6th, 2013, 11:36 pm
Interesting that I don't eat any of that. :P Infact I think the only people that eat cloned beef are people that eat at McDonalds, and they have those in Germany too. :woot:

I get my milk, eggs, produce, and meat from local farms, and I don't even live in California anymore, which btw grows 40% of the worlds produce. ;)

And tbh, most states in the USA are pretty heavy on gun control. Funny that those also have the worst crime, but whatever... :police: less of us 'mericans runnin' 'round with 6 shooters I guess.

I will admit most Americans eat poorly, but then again, we are the best fed country in the world. I guess all that means is that as long as fast food is around, we will never starve.:lol:
posted on March 6th, 2013, 11:57 pm
I'd certainly join for supper! :lol:
posted on March 7th, 2013, 12:07 am
Coolness! :woot: We will have sauteed Asparagus, Corn on the cob, and Flank steak. How would you like yours cooked? :P (I wish. We actually have all that but we rarely have such grand meals... :( )
posted on March 7th, 2013, 12:16 am
I live in Europe, Germany. We eat cabbage and potatoes. :lol:
posted on March 7th, 2013, 9:47 am
Shril wrote:Oh yes... and you eat cloned beef.

Shril wrote:I live in Europe, Germany. We eat cabbage and potatoes. :lol:

I live in the UK, we eat horse (although we call it beef).

Adm. Zaxxon wrote:which btw grows 40% of the worlds produce. ;)

I'd appreciate a reference on that remarkable claim.

Adm. Zaxxon wrote:And tbh, most states in the USA are pretty heavy on gun control. Funny that those also have the worst crime, but whatever... :police: less of us 'mericans runnin' 'round with 6 shooters I guess.

I don't think you can call US gun policy in any state "gun control" (let alone heavy gun control). several of your states do not require a license to buy/own firearms. and when licensing is required the criteria for being afforded a license are extremely lax (eg don't have a conviction for armed robbery). your country as a whole has a very high gun crime per capita rate. and it's not surprising at all considering the number of guns per capita is so high.

Every time we hear of another tragic school massacre in the US we hear new chatter about increased gun control. it never materialises, arms makes your government far too much money. it's why no government will ban cigarettes.

the most annoyingly illogical defence i hear from your pro gun crowd is: "the second amendment protects the right to bear arms, and nobody should ever mess with the constitution". which is so incredibly moronic it makes my head hurt. laws have to change as times change, your constitution is centuries old, it's natural to expect to have to edit or replace it as it becomes less relevant. but some still stick to your constitution, saying that the constitution should never ever be changed. in which case the second amendment itself would have to be removed because it's an AMENDMENT. it wasn't even there to being with. you can either have the sensible approach that no law is too good to be changed, or a silly approach that the constitution can't ever be changed, and then still must bin the second amendment as it amended the original constitution.

Adm. Zaxxon wrote:is that as long as fast food is around, we will never starve.:lol:

except those without the money to buy the fast food.
posted on March 7th, 2013, 10:16 am
This poll is getting needlessly nationalistic

Im from Preston in the uk and ive been playing fleetops for years.
Finally got my brothers n friends to play after finding a (relatively) new friend who also loves to play.
Our joint effort has got a further 5 people involved

Like a man who fell under the wheels of a moving train... I'm chuffed to bits! :D

Roll on the next version of one of my favourite games of all time!

Btw. For a rough guide on how this continent thing works, go look at a risk board.
posted on March 7th, 2013, 10:31 am
As I said, I am a Brit who lived "over there" for five years, and I have to agree with Myles. I bought a .303 Lee-Enfield with only the most cursory of checks, and I got a .455 Webley Revolver with no checks at all (because it was older than 1898, so apparently its not a gun any more :lol: )

It always worried me because I never had any paperwork to prove they were legally owned. I felt like I should have a license or something. Just to prove I knew what I was doing and wasn't some maniac who thought owning a gun would be "cool". (i've used Lee-Enfields and a variety of other weapons here in Britain for years as part of re-enactment)

My argument has always been that the Second Amendment says "Arms" which can mean anything from a howitzer to a live chicken. At the time though, the most common firearm was a flintlock musket. I am pretty sure the "Founding Fathers" never intended the average citizen to have a belt-fed machine gun. (which is in fact possible if you have the right license etc) . Given the times, they probably meant an armed militia, i.e pikes, perhaps the odd matchlock firearm.

But, of course whenever I bring that up, I get told "what would you know, you're a Brit". Ah well. As Myles says, we'll sit here and unfortunately wait for the next nutbag to get his hands on a gun and use it to massacre innocents, then the same arguments will get hauled over again, and nothing will get done, again.

Such is life :-\
posted on March 7th, 2013, 1:35 pm
So, enough guns and USA. Lets try to resist the temptation to hook on such intriguing topics that fill hundreds and thousands of print media covers. Instead, lets wonder why the Australians refuse to use the poll function. I'm greatly disappointed .... mates. :D
posted on March 7th, 2013, 1:56 pm
Shril wrote:So, enough guns and USA. Lets try to resist the temptation to hook on such intriguing topics that fill hundreds and thousands of print media covers. Instead, lets wonder why the Australians refuse to use the poll function. I'm greatly disappointed .... mates. :D

yeah, you guys are losing to africa, that's just sad.
posted on March 7th, 2013, 4:08 pm
Squire James wrote:As I said, I am a Brit who lived "over there" for five years

In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a current ex-patriate Brit :)

I'd say more on the gun thing and relative amounts of Constitutional knowledge, but I fear I'd derail the thread again :D

Memo to self: should actually vote in the poll.
posted on March 7th, 2013, 4:26 pm
MadHatter wrote:Memo to self: should actually vote in the poll.

there's a poll?
posted on March 7th, 2013, 7:42 pm
Well, I'm pretty sure there's a poll. Although there's a chance that

posted on March 7th, 2013, 8:48 pm
Shril wrote:I live in Europe, Germany. We eat cabbage and potatoes. :lol:

The other German food groups are sausages and beer. :P
posted on March 7th, 2013, 8:51 pm
MadHatter wrote:Well, I'm pretty sure there's a poll. Although there's a chance that
<youtube snip>

not gonna miss a chance to post this:

one of my favourites
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