Megadroid's Mission Mod 1.0.0

Wednesday, 05 October 2011 Written by 

After an impressive delay, the first full version of MMM is ready for release.

Megadroid's Mission Mod is a mod for Fleet Ops and stock Armada 2 that allows modders to write Lua scripts to create single player missions.

This first version of MMM is focused on providing base functionality for the most commonly used entity types as well as exposing media required to create a proper mission.

Documentation is in the modding section of the guide, here. Thanks to Zebh and Dominus for all the help with getting the documentation working on the wiki.

The Getting Started page has details on what you need to install to get MMM running. For convenience I've put it in a mod folder.

There's an explanation of all the things that make MMM go on the Structure page.

The Tutorials page has example missions that are also included with the download. Each tutorial goes through the process of making the mission.

When you're ready to try writing some scripts, there is the API Reference that lists all the classes available to use in script. Check the Glossary for explanation of the terms used in the API reference.

The Remote Debugger mentioned in the docs will be uploaded shortly.

Since this is the first proper release there will probably be some issues to iron out, so please let me know if things don't work properly.

Known Issues

  • Child mods aren't supported - that is, the active mod must be the one with the Lua files