Enterprise And The Future Of Star Trek

What's your favourite episode? How is romulan ale brewed? - Star Trek in general :-)
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posted on February 17th, 2005, 3:17 am
Do you think Star Trek will go on? Like it says in the article there have been breaks but do you think this could be the final death blow to Star Trek Shows?

Here is a recent artice from StarTrek.com:

Fans Unite in Attempt to Save Enterprise

Star Trek fans, discouraged by the recent decision to cancel Enterprise, have united to form a strong grass-roots campaign aimed at letting both Paramount and UPN know that they aren't going to give up the show quietly. The campaign's main thrust is that Star Trek does not need a "rest" and that it should have a place to air, somewhere, even if it isn't on UPN or CBS, the two most high profile Viacom-owned networks.

The strategy for getting the message across includes an ad in the Los Angeles Times that appeared on February 15 (and can be viewed via this link), protests outside the studio and UPN, letter writing, e-mailing, online petitions and even faxing their protests to Paramount. (The fax option, by the way, is the least effective. As a courtesy, please do not send Paramount any faxes. You can, however, e-mail us at community@startrek.com and we can pass your messages along.) We would also like to point out that there are other campaigns to save show, but please be careful with your money if you are asked to donate. If any group(s) are soliciting money in the hopes that they can raise enough cash to produce more episodes of Enterprise, please be warned that the only likely result is that you will end up being lighter in the wallet!

The history of the campaign to save the show actually began before the end of the third season of Enterprise, as cancellation rumors then were rampant. Two main groups surfaced last year, SaveEnterprise.com and EnterpriseProject.org, both with one goal in mind — to keep the show from going away. In the run-up to the announcement of getting a fourth season, these groups were very vocal and production personnel and the cast were very grateful for their support. (Not to mention the positive feedback from fans across the globe!)

After the powers that be reached a deal for a reduced licensing fee between UPN and Paramount Network Television, the show was given the go ahead for a fourth season. It survived to reach the requisite number of hours to go into syndication (around 100) but was then given the ax this year when lackluster viewing figures followed the show's move to Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. Although the ratings never improved significantly to ensure a fifth season, the show featured decidedly stronger storylines and increased interest amongst long-time Star Trek fans who were intrigued by the plots that sought to tie in elements of the Original Series or Star Trek: The Next Generation. Sadly, it wasn't enough. Other factors were also in play, as Scott Bakula said in a recent STARTREK.COM chat, "Unfortunately we don't fit into UPN's business plan and really haven't for the last two and a half years."

Times change and the entertainment industry has evolved over the years. Sure, we would all like to see the show continue in some form. But the reality of producing live-action TV now is far removed from the days of three networks and a handful of shows that were watched by several million people. Nowadays the many offerings from cable networks have fragmented the audience to such a degree that viewing figures once considered unexceptional are now looked upon as viable for a show to continue production. Enterprise, however, does not fit into this category right now and the future of Star Trek remains unknown. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as Star Trek has been on extended breaks before: Ten years elapsed between the Original Series and the first movie, plus another eight years before production on TNG commenced.

There is one thing that is certain — Star Trek will never die. The fans posses the katra of Trek, they will never forget the show or let it slip away. They will always remember.
posted on February 17th, 2005, 3:33 pm
Last edited by ewm90 on February 17th, 2005, 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
star trek is far from ded. thay just need a brake a nice nice hot woman sime time off. and when it comes back it will be beter than ever. lol
posted on February 17th, 2005, 4:20 pm
Last edited by Yaso Kuuhl on February 17th, 2005, 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I wouldn't say it's far from dead, Enterprise and Nemesis both didn't go as good as Trek used to (I'm not even talking about the decline in quality they had since Voyager, as that's a matter of personal taste, but success in numbers of viewers).
Star Trek will be dead if they don't take a break for a while. Less and less people are interested every year, and throwing a new TV series at the people every few years isn't going to do anyone any good.

After TOS, they had a pause of two decades before TNG (one before the first movies). The result was a real improvement.
The same is heard from Battlestar Galactica (the new series isn't out here yet, but I've only heard good things about it).

I think the best would be a ten-year break (or more); and then start again with new ideas and new people. I don't believe this is what's going to happen, though.
posted on February 17th, 2005, 4:25 pm
well i ges it coms dawn to what you consiter the word ded to mean.

i think it meens thay seel the rites for start trek for munny so that can eat.

ten-year thats a lital mush pepal will for get what star trek is (just joking)

i think a 4 - 5 year brake will be anuff.
posted on February 17th, 2005, 5:17 pm
After TOS, they had a pause of two decades before TNG (one before the first movies). The result was a real improvement.
The same is heard from Battlestar Galactica (the new series isn't out here yet, but I've only heard good things about it).

Yep, a break would probably do everyone good. Sorry to hear you don't have BSG on TV yet, you can at least order the miniseries DVD on http://www.scifi.com. That was the four hour "pilot" shown last year on the scifi channel, it was freaking amazing. Hopefully the DVD is available in your region code :o

"They look like us now ..."
posted on February 17th, 2005, 7:01 pm
Last edited by KL0K on February 17th, 2005, 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i think this is really annoying. theres no better scifi show on tv than any star trek.

i cant understand it. star treks dropped but shyt like stargate is still in production.. duh!.. -_-

plus i liked bakula as a captain n t'pol pretty much... well i dont like them more than picard n riker, but their gettin close to it in the last episodes i saw, i think. and ENT was waaaaaaaay better than this voyager garbage. so i think this show was a step in a good direction. new characters combined with an older storyline with new effects and a waaaaaay better plot.

i dont think a 'break' will be an 'improvement' in any way. the thing is that the ppl wanna see much more effects n fights n blah. thats why they didnt had a 'toprated' show. and there are no 'timeline' problems at all. thats the disgusting part about it.
posted on February 17th, 2005, 7:49 pm
i think its just bad manigemt thay need to hiyer new pepal the ship desiners are good keep tham and the story riter and speshal efects and final perdution can stay but mangemat and drecters need to go i think.
posted on February 17th, 2005, 10:47 pm
I honestly think that Rick Berman has gone off the deep end for the last time. All of the films up to and including First Contact (unless some folks question about ST5) were epic, and I was really dissapointed to see how short Nemesis seemed to be when I saw it in theaters, and films that I see in theaters usually seem pretty long. Rick Berman must be doing things wrong. I think that we really need a break from ST at least on TV. I see nothing wrong with more games and books during the break, but we need a break from it on TV and in theaters.
posted on February 18th, 2005, 2:49 am
KLOK you're an idiot, sorry. Voyager had dumb stories and they screwed with things like isotons and kiloquads, but ENT violently raped the time continuum, the Vulcan personality, and the sanctity of Starfleet's ultimate coolness, the ability to completely kick ass on anyone in the galaxy. I'm talking lock you in jail for 30 years kind of violent rape, mutilated the dead body afterwards too. I can't believe you actually thought those storylines had any merit whatsoever. Even setting aside the Akiraprise that show was a joke.
posted on February 18th, 2005, 3:22 am
Last edited by KL0K on February 18th, 2005, 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
im no idiot at all and so stop ur flaming.
i said that voyager was garbage, totally trash, in every direction.
but i dont think that ENTs raping the timeline like u said it.

1. there was a 'timeline-war' in the plot
2. whats wrong with the vulcans personality? they are not that far in their own evolution and technics, so that would mean they still got some problems. (arrogance, ignorance, temper and so on)
3. starfleet was never "cool" - it was jus democratic like idiots in a senate.
and they were still in the timeline where they had the money and no bigupfederation with everyone, only vulcans, and meeting others but nothing more then some lil alliances from time to time, most times just a ship or somthing.

now im thinkin bout 'whos the real idiot in here'. sorry for that, take it as a revenge. : P
posted on February 18th, 2005, 1:31 pm
I don't think that the thng is over , but that they'll think of somethign else. Proabvly a new ship name more like it.
posted on February 18th, 2005, 3:12 pm
They had a different director doing Nemises and it turned out very good. Maybe they should hire him again because I think Rick Berman is tired of living up to Gene Roddenberry's dream of Star Trek and should be replaced by someone 'fresh'.
posted on February 18th, 2005, 9:04 pm
They had a different director doing Nemises and it turned out very good.

I tend to disagree. The only thing about Nemesis that wasn't completely useless was the Norexan design, and I'd even rather seen D'deridex instead. Sure, ST movies are far from masterpieces concerning the plot, but Nemesis had one of the worst directing and camerawork of them all (TSFS and TFF were worse, but that's it).
But yes, Berman needs to be replaced.
posted on February 19th, 2005, 6:13 am
As I said, Berman has gone off the deep end. He's cuckoo and wants Trek to be in his image. He's bad with the films, especially since all the alien races speak English, and he's bad with the series. The games and the books are all better since he had no role in them. He may have been a good co-producer, but he's just plain cuckoo. :rolleyes:
posted on February 23rd, 2005, 10:50 pm
you can triy and save enterpise if you are realy wont to save the show

crintly thare up to TrekUnited Contribution Total $ 39,060.00

or if you cant give tham munny or wont to do some thing more you can sint a leter the info is on the site link above.
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