• Balanced Gameplay

    Five races with multiplayer tested balancing:
    Federation, Klingon, Borg, Romulan and Dominion.

  • Improved AI

    Fully supported skirmish and multiplayer AI.

  • Dynamic Tactics

    Avatars, ship experience system, mixed tech, warp-in and much more.

  • Diverse Tech-Trees

    Race distinctive build-trees with more than 200 ships and stations.

  • Enhanced Engine

    HD Widescreen support, FMOD sound engine,
    Tunngle online gaming and more.

  • Modification Support

    Powerful modification module system.
    Many new possibilites for developers.

  • Continuous Development

    Community driven and active in development since 2003.

  • Simple Installation

    No fiddling with game files. Installs right off your
    Armada II CD - no pre-installation required.


  • Voice of the Star Empire
    Voice of the Star Empire Greetings from the High Command - please tune in to listen to some important announcements from our stalwart Romulan captains!

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Fleet Operations is a popular skirmish and multiplayer orientated total conversion modification for Activision's real-time strategy game, Star Trek: Armada II.

The project's goal was not only to create a simple "modification",  but to design a total conversion to make Armada II a worthy successor to the second best-selling Star Trek game, Star Trek: Armada (behind Interplay's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary by a small, but fair margin).

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  • Last update to the internal development version was committed yesterday
  • First public version of Fleet Operations was released 21 years ago