Possible to have a turret rotate to face enemy?

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posted on September 21st, 2018, 7:43 pm
rifraf wrote:I'm at work and can't see my file, but I think maybe change one of the following in the physics file:

tooclosetoturn = 100;
pathleaddistance = 400;

IIRC my value for pathleaddistance is 1. I don't remember what I have for tooclosetoturn though? Try those two and if that's not it I'll have to check this evening after work.

No such luck. When you have a chance after work can you copy and paste what you have exactly in your physics file?
posted on September 23rd, 2018, 12:49 am
Sorry I'm late. Here is my physics file. Basic_smooth_combat.odf is the stock FO file

combatspeed = 25
impulsespeed = 0
physics = "smooth"
warpspeed = -1
combatphysicsfile = "basic_smooth_combat.odf"
tooclosetoturn = 1;
pathleaddistance = 400;
forwardaccel = 0;
backwardaccel = 0;
turnomega = 0.145;
turnalpha = 0.25;
pitchomega = 0.25;
pitchalpha = 0.25;
rollcoupling = 5;
turnomegafractionatrest = 1;
turnalphafractionatrest = 1;
pitchomegafractionatrest = 1;
pitchalphafractionatrest = 1;
pitchdefault = 0;
pitchdefaultspeed = 0.5;
turncontrolsquared = 0;
turncontrolangle = 20;
forwardcontroldistance = 70;
posted on September 23rd, 2018, 2:03 am
rifraf wrote:Sorry I'm late. Here is my physics file. Basic_smooth_combat.odf is the stock FO file

combatspeed = 25
impulsespeed = 0
physics = "smooth"
warpspeed = -1
combatphysicsfile = "basic_smooth_combat.odf"
tooclosetoturn = 1;
pathleaddistance = 400;
forwardaccel = 0;
backwardaccel = 0;
turnomega = 0.145;
turnalpha = 0.25;
pitchomega = 0.25;
pitchalpha = 0.25;
rollcoupling = 5;
turnomegafractionatrest = 1;
turnalphafractionatrest = 1;
pitchomegafractionatrest = 1;
pitchalphafractionatrest = 1;
pitchdefault = 0;
pitchdefaultspeed = 0.5;
turncontrolsquared = 0;
turncontrolangle = 20;
forwardcontroldistance = 70;

No problems on being late.

Thank you so much for this! I just tested it out and it works. :thumbsup:
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