Battleships and carriers

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posted on February 26th, 2014, 5:56 pm
I agree MadHatter, those are all good points. It's always easy to speculate what "could" or "should" have happened, but as you say the show is written a certain way to portray drama and advance the story with visual excitement.

In the concept of Trek, I don't personally care for the whole use of drones as I stated before you simply wouldn't need people anymore as drones could do all the work for you and you could sit back on Earth safe and sound while automated ships explore the galaxy and fight wars. Not very Trekky.

The whole issue with fighters in my opinion is that they are so small and so much less powerful that it would take 100's if not more to cause any significant damage to a large cruiser/battleship. For the most part they only have beam weaponsand are not warp capable. Yes a Runabout/Delta Flyer class shuttle have small photon/photonic missile weapons, but they are very small with limited destructive capability. A photon casing is what about 5 ft long and destroyers and up, 1/4 to 1/3 the size of the shuttle itself. Even though the larger shuttles have photons of smaller size they can still only carry a limited amount.

Also, unless the carrier dewarps right on top of you you're going to see 100 small fighters coming from the distance at you so you'll have time to react before they even reach you. In these instances I guess we can agree to disagree.
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