posted on November 29th, 2011, 11:13 am
Last edited by
the keeper on November 29th, 2011, 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
hey, i think why many don't contribute is because:
First you need to know its there, as it apears to me the only link is from this topic?
Second there is not much in it to make people remember the link, if people have reason to go there, like look up stategy or something then they might think of aditional things.
maybe if you look through this forum and collect all the strategy topics (and ask the topic starter if you may use it) and get those topics together in per race strategy pages with teh apropriate sources added on bottem of the page, then you have a nice colection of strategies which people feel worth it to add to and or adjust.
the same with maps, just make the list of standard added maps to fleet operations with a minimap and where posible extra info on it or nice litle teasers. also start making a list based on player made maps with links to the topic or site where the maps are at.
If you ask to make a topic in the map exchange forum with a list of all playermaps in that forum with a link to you site where a minimap is visible for every map (since there is an atachement limit to post in one mesage in a thread you can't add all the minimaps). this would cause people looking for nice new maps being linked to your site, then back to this forum or whereever for downloading the actual bzn files. this forum would not lose visitors because most maps are located here, and you would gain every visitor of this forum that would like to see all player made maps. and the visitors of this forum will have more easy access to what player made maps are available. so here you would have a win win win scenario just for the maps part of your wiki.
and if you think its to much work then you can ask someone else if they would like to collect the maps information or strategy information.
but in my opinion by stating a deadline when the site might go ofline you make the site dead yourself because now people might think oh it might not stay so why waste the time to add to it.
i hope this post was helpfull and not to long lol
ps: i might be willing to collect some map information on the condition the data won't get lost (as in stopping this projects within 1 year and after that informing me so i can at least copy my work) and that you will get some other stuff on there as well, by your self or help from others