new game type, territories

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posted on August 31st, 2012, 8:29 pm
i had the idea that introducing a game mode of territories could change up gameplay and some would enjoy the fact it can turn gameplay towards more like the show.

by making maps seperated into territories that have to be protected (think king of the hill but with many hills, how many who is to say 10 on a small map to 100 on an 8player)

how it works
simple, have a ship uncontested next to the defined defend points such as..
a planet
civilian starbase
civilian ship (can be set to move around so has to be followed)

as you hold a territory you slowly gain resources, abit of all or certain territories give you certain resources.

exploring the map gains you resources
building near a territory hold point can gain you more resources

by needing to hold territory ships early game will be sent out singularly to gain as much resources as possible, and therefore make alot of small fights and one on one ship battles where they need to get aid from close ships

enemy resource gathering can be hindered by attacking/contesting territories

bonus point, you feel like you conquer the map

posted on September 1st, 2012, 12:54 am
Sounds cool. I'd play that.
posted on September 1st, 2012, 1:01 am
that actually sounds awesome i would 100% atleast try it a few times looks sweet
posted on September 1st, 2012, 2:35 am
take a look at something like dawn of war 1 and 2 or CoH's Victory point system. someone might look at Act of War: High Treason, they had a game mode where you held points and it gave you units or resources or powers etc.
posted on September 1st, 2012, 9:27 am
it actually sounds a lot like company of heros but i would be more interested in it if it came to flops
posted on September 1st, 2012, 11:26 am
This is a nice idea, reminds me on Empire Earth. This would (almost) certainly have to be a mod. Having resouces tied to areas is a change that will not be coming to Fleetops.

That said, this would be an interesting way of playing. Since all you would need to do is occupy territories to gain resources, the early game setup would be very different. This would certainly be a interesting game to play. I hope it gets made.
posted on September 2nd, 2012, 12:12 am
i think the handy thing about it is that it wouldnt require development of any new assets as such, only tweaking the current ones behavior (apart from the map which would want some development to show territories boundaries and toggle on off player colour filled area in those)
posted on November 20th, 2012, 6:44 pm
little update (sort of) success!

iv found a way of sort of getting a territories map

iv placed borg recycling centers as the capturable territories and some borg incubation centers as supply for the recycling centers to produce it in the 1st place.

they start off unmanned, in "fluid nebula" so they have shields down(map gives them some for some reason when in map editor)
also in a "nucleon nebula" to damage it so recrewing isnt possible apart from transporting, (this is to make it a capturing war for resources)(so territories to produce you ships)

insane amounts of health to stop them from being destroyed by the nebula in minutes

this is done without modding fleet ops only tinkering with properties of things in the editor.

unfortunatly i dont think it can be made to be A.I. playable without adding moons

but perfectly playable for multiplayer if anyone is interested in giving it a shot?
posted on November 20th, 2012, 7:26 pm
seems lagit.

though you know you could've set them so they arecompletely invincible, right?
posted on November 20th, 2012, 7:42 pm
if you want perfected Domination style capture points. check out the void mod. i had them in there. The trick to making the system work is to have the borg assimalator field off of the assim avatar incub center, on the ship, the use the targets function to make sure it only targets the station. (mine is a little more complicated because i have etra stuff in there to ensure captureing and defending is a little more relaiable)
posted on November 20th, 2012, 7:53 pm
HelloDean, could you post a larger image of that map? I've never seen it before but it is amazing how close it is to the map I drew for KA2 (completely non-canon of course, I don't make a fuss about that stuff). Shows I wasn't far of how at least 1 other person sees things :)

I also love the territory idea. Would be very useful for KA2 as a matter of fact, since it's all about that semi-4X Game feel.
posted on November 20th, 2012, 7:54 pm
There was a star Trek Armada II league running back in 2002 that caught up with just that kind of principal. That was heaps of fun and encouraged people to form clans that each of them playing a specific race. I was playing in a Species 8472 clan. And we pwned asses! Only the DBW clan caused bad headaches. Oh man... how I want these times back!

If a league with territories like that could be made ... oh man, how sweet. I know it's not your actual idea but maybe this is an impulse for someone to think about bringing the actual concept of map territories into a league concept.

For instance: Each square on your galaxy map was a certain FO map. If a clan wanted to expand their territory, they had to attack another clan. The clan with the greatest territory at the end of the season had won the league.
posted on November 20th, 2012, 8:00 pm
My thought also Shril :) All it would need is a team to decide on the map layout, make actual maps that would cover a sector of the map layout (like cutting a cake into squares) and then run a series of games with players deciding where and when to attack, and updating a website with the results. Could even have sort of a strategic layer, where players have to decide what sector to build yards and defences in etc, which could then be built in a ceasefire time, all monitored by an impartial observer to make sure no-one built anything they weren't supposed to.

I played in a DoW tournament very similar in concept to this, and as long as you have dedicated players it works great :)
posted on November 20th, 2012, 9:46 pm
Squire James wrote:HelloDean, could you post a larger image of that map?

i dont know about getting a bigger version of that specific map but you might like this one :) ... it_Map.jpg

if thats not what your looking for you could do an image search :) , thats how i found a good selection

trying things like

star trek star charts
star trek galaxy
star trek maps

etc etc
posted on November 20th, 2012, 9:56 pm
Destroyer92 wrote:
though you know you could've set them so they arecompletely invincible, right?

ah with that i ran into problems with the stations having shields and couldnt be captured
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