Modular Station

Post ideas and suggestions on new features or improvements here.
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posted on March 16th, 2006, 2:31 pm
Starbase, Shipyards, Research Stations, Mining Station and turrets all in one facility? Can it be possible for Fleet Ops?
posted on March 16th, 2006, 3:26 pm
posted on March 16th, 2006, 4:35 pm
Well I wouldnt be so negative as Jan(:P) Maybe it can be done, I actually hope it can be done so the borg would be this way :)

(plus Future Tense mod for A1 did this thing with the borg nexus :))
posted on March 16th, 2006, 4:42 pm
i guess it could be done as a starbase, building a shipyard, research section etc... as a "pod" (technically seperate & targetable but still conected). guess that may work but would probably prove to be quite buggy at first.

but i will say no to the turrets as they would just come under the station defences. (plus you would want the turrets seperatly to put where you choose anyway ;) )
posted on March 16th, 2006, 6:25 pm
Well I wouldnt be so negative as Jan(:P) Maybe it can be done, I actually hope it can be done so the borg would be this way :)

(plus Future Tense mod for A1 did this thing with the borg nexus :))

I agree that souns like a good idea. The idea whould work with the Borg. Maby fucher races two depinding on how the FO team wishes to proseed.
posted on March 16th, 2006, 6:43 pm
dont take this the wrong way or anything, but why do these kind of threads keep starting up. ( i want to see this in fleet ops, i want to see that, i think the cube should be stronger, i dont like that class of ship lets get ride of it.)

we have nothing to do with what goes into the mod as it's not our mod it the dev's. they will make it the way they want to.

a mod is first and formost for yourself, if other like it that just a bonus.

it's just kinda selfish... (if you know what i mean). i dnt mean to affend any one, so dont attack me it's just my opinion. you may not agree, that ok.
posted on March 16th, 2006, 6:50 pm
Last edited by hypercube on March 16th, 2006, 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it has been mentioned that this could be done in V4, and this CAN be done, using the borg research stations, it would be done the same way, all additional building would simply be like researches, and when you "research" or in this case build a dock or something, it unlocks the ships and so on.
And by the way, we know we have nothing to do with the mod, but i guess we are hopefull the dev's read theese topics and go: hmmm this is true, we could do this.
And if you were right a topic such as feature REQUEST would not exist.
posted on March 16th, 2006, 7:14 pm
They do in the end decide what goes in and what doesnt but we can give them good ideas they can implant in. :P
posted on March 17th, 2006, 11:05 am
dont take this the wrong way or anything, but why do these kind of threads keep starting up. ( i want to see this in fleet ops, i want to see that, i think the cube should be stronger, i dont like that class of ship lets get ride of it.)

we have nothing to do with what goes into the mod as it's not our mod it the dev's. they will make it the way they want to.

a mod is first and formost for yourself, if other like it that just a bonus.

it's just kinda selfish... (if you know what i mean). i dnt mean to affend any one, so dont attack me it's just my opinion. you may not agree, that ok.

Hey just because we can't make the modders put in the mod what we want them to put in the mod doesn't mean we can't complain and offer suggestions regardless.
posted on March 17th, 2006, 1:58 pm
Last edited by Shril on March 18th, 2006, 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
They should release V3 before we start to suggest our ideas. I feel faked in a way. I'm waiting for V3 since '04 . In fact more than 1 year and many people since release of V2. In the time I'm here they finished 2 maybe 3 critical tasks and released an amount of information that blows no grandma off her chair.
In this time I did some researches of their behavior. They are inactive ( just in forums and ICQ) in always the same time cycles. Ending November - June. DOCa is online though but don't respond. Optec is always invisible. Just lets wait until it's June...I'm excited when they will give next informations. I think of June 06 and Legacy will be ready before FleetOps.
Finally I want to know what are the reasons of such a behavior (don't missunderstand me...I don't critizes why they are doing that ...I just can't see a reason)
posted on March 17th, 2006, 5:48 pm
well when they started a long time ago, i believe they never imagined this kind of responce, this much excitement, but the truth is, perhaps they are a little older now, and not only they don't care as much about the mod, they don't even play it anymore, so it's kinda boring for them to create a mod for someone else of there is no gain for them.
posted on March 17th, 2006, 5:55 pm
what i meant by selfish is that they are obverusly finding it hard enough to get v3 out, and certain people just keep complain saying they want one thing then changing there minds two weeks late. leave the poor people in peace for a bit! lol :P i know v3 is behind schedual but if they are inactive on the fourms then, they are not going to see your thread about, adding this ship, taking this ship out cos ' i dnt like the colour'

i know i have not been registered for as long as most of you guys but i have been folowing this mods since the first beta release, and i too feel that a updated release (even if not quite what they wana v3 to be) in nessersery...
posted on March 17th, 2006, 6:58 pm
What about discussing our ideas with our fellow Fleet Ops players here in the forum? We can do that can't we, and if the modders see it then they can reply, otherwise I tend to leave them alone to do their modding.
posted on March 17th, 2006, 7:17 pm
Last edited by ColdDarkParanoia on March 17th, 2006, 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chill man chill! im not the only one who is getting a bit annoyd, i just though as the devs havn't been releasing any new that they were a bit too buissy to consern them selves with this sort of thing and how annoying it must be that every time they do log on they see people devoting intier threads to complaining or critersising the mod, or wanting to change things. i have no problem with you discussing things with US fellow fleet ops players, it was just an observation. it just seems that threads like these are a bit point less, and in my opinion un-thoughtfull, to the creaters, when as i explained above are proberbly having great difficulty finding the time to finnsih v3 as it is.
posted on March 17th, 2006, 9:53 pm
who is critisizing?!?!? theese are IDEAS man, if they use only one of them, if they like it, if it's helpfull and if it can be done and if it betters the game, our job is done isn't it?
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