Upcoming 1.2.2 - A new ODF command

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posted on July 30th, 2007, 1:53 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on July 30th, 2007, 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The next version of the Armada 2 Patch Project will be the first one to feature a new ODF command, thus being the first new ODF command coming to Armada 2 ever. This should be less interesting for people using the patch just as patch, but more for our colleagues creating modifications for Armada 2 ;)

The command is called [tt]maxBuildableNumber[/tt] and can be used in all craft and building ODF classes.
I'll give an easy example to explain what the command is doing:
You have created a new modification, called the "Super-Uber Defiant" mod. It adds a new Defiant class, which has tons of metaphasic torpedoes, a cloaking device and quantum-technobabble enhanced pulse phasers.
Now, it would be quite boring if the player only pulls out only your super-uber defiant class out of his or her shipyards, especially when playing the mod online. You want to limit the number of vessels the player can build.
Yes, there are possibilities out there that can limit a number of vessels build, but modders know they are not quite what they wanted when they came first up with that idea to do that in their mod. One is to use a system similar to our credits system we have used already in Fleet Operations, or to provide those units as start units besides your starbase as some mods already did in the past.
Now you get a third option - a real limit which can be set per vessel.
Just put the line [tt]maxBuildableNumber = 5[/tt] in the Super-Uber Defiant's class ODF file and ready you are. Now one player can only have a total number of 5 SU-Defiant class vessels at the same time.
Now, if you have build 5 SU-Defiants you cannot build a sixth one in your yards. Of course, after one of your SU-Defiants gets destroyed or disassembled you can then build a new one to fill the limit again.


btw. the string shown in the tooltip can then be modified through the Dynamic_Localized_Strings.h file by adding [tt]"GUI_CP_MAXBUILD", "Unit limit ( %d / %d )",[/tt]
posted on July 30th, 2007, 1:57 pm
Now that's cool!
Should we expect this command to appear in some odf's in V3? Will it be part of FO or is it just an offer to other modders who might need it?
I guess there's a reason you came up with this ;)
posted on July 30th, 2007, 2:57 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on July 30th, 2007, 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
yes, we had some ideas related to fleet operations with that command. it's not clear yet they will make it into v3
posted on July 30th, 2007, 10:04 pm
Is that possibly that we that ourselves can change that the maxBuildableNumber?
posted on July 30th, 2007, 11:46 pm
Very useful indeed, it would allow us to have buildable hero ships/flag ships aswell which can be built as a unique vessel and then replaced if destroyed.

I'd surgest this perhaps to work with some of the avatars in fleetops, for example, you choose the admiral riser avatar, and you can build admiral riser's flagship. (which I believe would be a unique avalon class) The ship would perhaps give a boost to all nearby vessels thanks to her command skills.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 1:54 am
Along with the odf commands can we expect the new shields and possibly the custom resolution editor as a part of this new patch?
posted on July 31st, 2007, 4:09 am
sweet  :lol: this could also be used for the  :borg: cube fusion because people often build like 4 and own every body else i also like the idea of heroes and when can we expect to see this  :D
posted on July 31st, 2007, 8:20 am

Go team. I think you just made AII modding history! How on Earth did you pull it off?

There's certainly a ton of possibilities with this in the code. You could give factions some really powerfull vessels, but then limit them to balance it all out and prevent spamming units like the vanilla fusion cubes Meredith mentioned, it takes fleets to destroy those things (hence why i'm always using them :shifty:).

*Realises just how many of his ideas now work thanks to this*

Can the limit impose a global limit for all players? (i.e. if a player had two SU-defiants and another had three, the limit would be hit). If that's possible, maybe some NPC ships (like the Scimitar) could be given a global limit so players race to see who can build the first one.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 8:31 am
Along with the odf commands can we expect the new shields and possibly the custom resolution editor as a part of this new patch?

in later versions of the patch, remember, this patch is for armada 2.

Can the limit impose a global limit for all players? (i.e. if a player had two SU-defiants and another had three, the limit would be hit). If that's possible, maybe some NPC ships (like the Scimitar) could be given a global limit so players race to see who can build the first one.

yes, such a setting could also be implemented, though only by request if someone wants this for his mod. i don't think we could use this in fleet operations as in multiplayer that might be considered unfair ;)
posted on July 31st, 2007, 9:04 am
fantastic work guys, this is great news alround :thumbsup:.

perhaps the first step towards a new stting that gives limited amount of the rarer ships seen in the series: i.e sovie, prommie, norexan, galaxy, Negh'Var & others ^-^
posted on July 31st, 2007, 10:10 am
I always knew...DC is a genius... ^^

News up @ STG.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 12:02 pm
I know its for A2, thats why I'm asking. You said that the custom resolutions would come out as a part of the patch..so possibly you'll release it closer to FO3?

DOCa Cola wrote:
Along with the odf commands can we expect the new shields and possibly the custom resolution editor as a part of this new patch?

in later versions of the patch, remember, this patch is for armada 2.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 12:27 pm
i have to approach differently when integrating fleet operations features into the patch project. when i program fleet operations i can modify more parts of armada without to care about backwards compatibility, so that a new function better "fits" into the program. the patch project aims to be 100% backwards compatible with all existing configuration and setting files and of course all program flow of armada 2. in fleet operations we save armada's settings now in our own file format structure, that is of course easier for me to save custom settings, too. for compatibility reasons i want to use existing files and materials as much as possible in the patch project. so some features need more time for integration into the patch project, even if they are already working fleet operations.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 3:08 pm
Okay i understand now. Well..even the new odf commands will be good..i like the idea of being able to limit certain ships...so the Romulans can't build like 5 Scimitars or something. and the Federation will only be able to build like two or three Sovereigns at a time.
posted on July 31st, 2007, 3:36 pm
Maybe you should add a build-limit for Ventures, BoPs, Bugs, Shrikes..  :sweatdrop:
Uhm... for what reason ever...
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