Posting FAQs

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posted on June 21st, 2012, 3:12 pm
huh, crap forgot about this guide. the change has made the guide almost obsolete, so this thread should definitely be unstickied.

as for bbcode, the new forum is phpbb (as opposed to the old SMF), and bbcode is different in some places (as nobody ever thought to standardise it like html, congratulations forum software developers, you earned your idiot badges).

it seems like all bbcode in threads from before the switch has derped. killing much of formatting/embeds/etc.

a suggestion, not sure how easy it would be, but instead of relying on bbcode like most forums, could the devs just allow html in posts and filter the allowable tags, whitelisting those that are allowed, and disallowing all others? bbcode for simple stuff is very similar to html for simple stuff.
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