the best dreadnought?

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posted on October 1st, 2012, 10:33 pm

which is the best mix-tech dreadnought?

list of the bonuses

fed............... + 25 defense

klingon........ +25 offence

romulan....... +25 system

borg..............+15 offence
......................+15 defense
......................+15 system

personally i like the romulan one as its veteran can fire 2 of its special (tetryon singularity) in quick succession

which is your favorite?
posted on October 1st, 2012, 10:47 pm
I'd probably say the Borg one; the single values aren't boosted as much as the others, but increasing all 3 is probably better than a single value boost. The boost being higher than the others (+45 compared to +25) isn't a bad thing, either.
posted on October 1st, 2012, 11:05 pm
Tyler wrote:I'd probably say the Borg one; the single values aren't boosted as much as the others, but increasing all 3 is probably better than a single value boost. The boost being higher than the others (+45 compared to +25) isn't a bad thing, either.

depends on your playstyle. for general stats the borg one is the better ship.

but if you wanna be cheesy, the romulan one is the most effective when used in a pair. having the extra system value means they can spam the starting special so much. even without lag, this will really screw with your micro. constantly forcing you to put in vast amounts of effort, and allowing the dreads to run away if they have energy. on smaller maps or when combined with any amount of lag this is devastating, not to mention annoying.
posted on October 2nd, 2012, 12:20 am
For me it would be the Romulan one. The beam weapons always hit and the special is murder. The Klingon would be my least favorite, mainly because of the heavy focus on the torpedoes a lot that boost to the offensive stats misses its target.

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