
Post ideas and suggestions on new features or improvements here.
posted on May 4th, 2003, 10:47 pm
in the next beta will there be warp because it will be nice to have warp :D :D :D
posted on May 4th, 2003, 11:49 pm
I'll field this.

In the original armada 2, ships could field large distances in seconds with warp, making regular patrols unnessecary. In FO, warp was disabled, encouraging regular patrols.

In armada 2, an undefended base comes under attack. Easy. Two clicks, and a fleet is there in seconds to batter off the attack.

in FO, you need ships at EVERY outpost, no matter how small.
posted on May 5th, 2003, 4:38 am
there won't be warping in Fleet Operations. There are a few special abilities like 'Hyper Impulse Drive', 'Transwarp Drive' and some Ciadan stuff which will allow you to increase the speed of your vessels or jump to the selected destination, but 'normal' warping like in Armada2 has been cut.
As Whyatica said, we have done this to increase the strategy part in Fleet Operations.
posted on May 5th, 2003, 2:00 pm
I'm evil with Transwarp. I put a nice fleet capable of taking on most anything (it's borg and klingon). I send a NuQ'DuJ to go into the enemies base. I drop a transwarp gate. the nuq'duj baits the enemy fleet. It goes into the gate. one by one, the enemy fleet is singled out and destroyed.

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