Dominion avatar idea

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posted on August 2nd, 2015, 10:28 pm
I see in the Apocrypha section that there are plans to have four avatars per faction, and the third Dominion avatar will be Alliance: Son'a. I have an idea for the fourth avatar.

Alliance: ISC
In SFB/SFC, the Interstellar Concordium plays much the same role that the Dominion plays in DS9: a sort of dark counterpart to the Federation. In that storyline, the ISC tries to force the galaxy to be peaceful by intervening in any conflict between other races by attempting to destroy both sides. They try to form a neutral zone between each other faction and its neighbors. The other races do not take too kindly to this, and the ISC suffers heavy losses. They then lose 2/3 of their fleet in the Andromedan invasion of 2288-2292. A possible bridge from there to the FO time period is that the neighboring Gorn and Romulans took advantage of the weakened ISC by seizing its outer territories for themselves. Without the means to regain this space and with poor relations with everyone else in the Alpha Quadrant, the ISC tries to expand across the galaxy in the other direction. But this eventually brings them into contact with the Borg. While they give the Borg more resistance than most empires do, the Borg eventually adapt and cause the ISC's new effort to falter as well as their colonies get assimilated. By the time the Dominion comes to Cardassia, the ISC is struggling to survive and allies with the Dominion out of necessity. It helps that the ISC and the Founders have similar philosophies about how to create and maintain order, and that what ships the ISC still has are quite strong.

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