
Post ideas and suggestions on new features or improvements here.
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posted on July 25th, 2003, 11:01 am
when u are playing and u take/asimulate a con ship is there anyway of getting more credits so u can use the special stuff for that race???
posted on August 17th, 2003, 7:17 pm
You guys are the modders, and you know what can and can't be done. I was wondering though, similar to the assimilation idea, would there be other ways of getitng credits? ie: Destroying/assimilating an enemy starbase earns you a credit, and destroying/assimilating any other enemy structure earns you 1/2 or 1/4 credit. Something like this would make the credit system a lot more useful, and might give people more of an incentive to go out there and attack some bases! :D
posted on August 17th, 2003, 7:50 pm
hm.. nice idea but i think this is impossible to do with armada2.. sorry

the only thing which can extend your credit stock are socalled neutral stations, which can be occupied (not boarded) by construction ships. they cannot be destroyed
if well placed this cann add additional action to a map (i hope so :D)
these stations like other neutral stations will be available in beta3.. so you will have to wait a bit.. :cry:
posted on August 17th, 2003, 8:47 pm
hmm, at the moment (1.1) only the feds really need credits (for their ships) but the klingons ond borg use them for buildings.....
dunno what will be changed in beta2 but a way to get more than 10 credits would be fine :)

can you make the occupied own of neutral stations like eg. the units healing fountain in AoM ? :blink:
posted on August 17th, 2003, 9:14 pm
yep ther will be several intersting neutral stations, as, fore example a effect like this :)
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posted on August 17th, 2003, 10:22 pm
so theres going to dope in the stations? now that will be a helpful i don't think!

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